Sunday, March 15, 2009

Slooooooow and steady...

Did you know that it is National Nutrition Month?

-0.6 lbs

16.6 lbs overall

Yay, another loss this week. I feel like my weight loss has slowed immensely. I know the two big reasons:

  • Lots of eating at restaurants
  • Boredom with exercise
The restaurants issue can be easily resolved. Work has been incredibly stressful lately. Instead of staying and eating my own lunch (and taking the 30 minute walk) - we're dying to get away from the desk!

Which leads into the exercise problem: I really don't enjoy exercising just for the sake of health and well-being. The honeymoon period of WW is over, so I'm being real. This is where I always fail in the diet/exercise cycle. I love playing sports, I love dancing - but if you ask me to walk just to walk... PUH-lease!

So, I need to get back into that zone... that zone I had when I first started 13 weeks ago. Very focused, very willing to feel the burn. Fast-forward 13 weeks, 2 major injuries and complacency have led me to having a staring competition with my yoga ball and weights.

I really need to start kicking it into gear if I want to lose the 50+ lbs I've set for August. DBF and I are taking a trip to Maine to see my family, most of whom haven't seem me since 2006. I have about 22 weeks left before we fly out. If I keep going at this rate (which is about 1.2 lbs per week), I will lose about 28 more lbs (bringing me to my lowest weight in almost 10 years) before the trip. Not bad, but I know I can push harder.

Ok, so that is my mission: down with restaurants and up with the exercise. Hopefully I can start seeing weight loss in WHOLE digits!

For now, I am going to get some yummy beef stroganoff in the slow cooker, breakdown the melons for this week, and prep the "cuban-esque" sandwiches for tonight (pork, turkey, cheese, mustard and pickles on ciabatta bread).

Hope everyone is doing well - keep updating those blogs!

1 comment:

  1. ummmm beef stroganoff!

    heres to a great week for us both!
