Saturday, February 21, 2009


So, please allow me to sum up my Thursday and Friday.

**TMI Warning... this is a full transparency vent.

After Wednesday's news of my company's plans for reorganization hit the news circuit, Thursday was an incredibly tense day at work. My friends and I met up for lunch at a Nature's Table, where I had a delicious Shanghai Chicken salad. Later that afternoon, I walked into my boss's building for a meeting. In the lobby, every executive in the company was gathered for a meeting regarding the news in the press.

Great, that means some of it must be true.

Thursday night was a treat, however. DBF and I went to see a production of The Three Mo' Tenors. Before the show, we stopped at TGIFridays for dinner. I got a Jack Daniel's burger with a side of steamed broccoli. I thought it was a good choice - probably not the BEST choice, but a good compromise.

Then I researched the NI online, and according to a report by ABCNews the burger has 1540 calories! Oops!

Plus, I've skipped a TOM. In fact, there hasn't been a TOM since December. Don't worry, nothing medically wrong - but this typically happens when I drastically change my diet and exercise. But, it Thursday it reappeared. YAY! I think that partially explains my insane gain last WI.

Friday rolls around, and starts with a request for a mandatory meeting for that afternoon. Ugh. Why? What's going on?!

We chose to sooth our nerves with a lunch at Fuddrucker's. I was good, just a kid's meal for me, hold the free cookie.

The team meeting basically confirmed all our fears - mandatory workforce reductions. ::sigh:: They don't know when or how many - but to have a good weekend and don't worry about.

I did resist the urge to dive into a box of Krispy Kremes. However, the bottle of rum was just too good to pass up.

Today, I took a sneak peak at the scale... -3.6lbs. WOOT WOOT! Granted, its a cheat sneak - but I hope tomorrow will be a joyous WI.

Hope everyone is doing well! Keep reaching for those dreams!

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