Monday, January 12, 2009

Fighting the Uphill Battle...

Sorry that I've disappeared, but this has been a CRAZY week!

I only had one day off - super bummer. But, going to work on Sunday for new-hire onboarding gave me lots of AP from walking all over the place. My coworker had her pedometer, which tallied about 4 or so miles. Go us!

Thanks Nic for the advice - I did send my body into "starvation" mode. Losing only .2lbs this week just fires me up more to stick to the WW plan this week. Eat those points, eat those points!

I am exhausted after my Personal Trainer class tonight. After kicking off with a mile power walk, with weights, we didn't slow down for the whole hour. I was sweating like crazy and got a little dizzy towards the end.

Feel the burn!

I felt no guilt about the chicken parmesan I had for dinner tonight - HA! I very much earned that!

Volleyball season is starting up again, which is very exciting. For now, we'll just practice one to two times a week until games start.

Look at all the APs rolling in :)

Now I just need to get my coworkers back on plan with our 10 week challenge. No more excuses ladies - we need to get out walking!

So til next time, keep reaching for your dreams.


  1. Hey! Your blog is great! I play volleyball too. What kind of league are you in?

    Your stats are awesome and really inspiring.

  2. Aw, thank you! That's very sweet!

    I just play in a rec league - 6v6 beach. I used to play more competitively, but all the wear n' tear on my rotator cuff is started to rear its ugly head :(

    But man, playing on sand is a WORKOUT! Very different from court. I also occasionally sub in for a 4v4 league - and then I can't walk for a few days, LOL :)

  3. AWESOME!!! You are an AP superstar!

    The best thing you'll learn about Weight Watchers is that it's totally not a diet. You can't get in diet mode or think of "wasting" points - you just have to spend them on the right thing, but those Weeklies are there to eat. You don't always have to eat all of them, but consider it a very good idea to eat an equivelent of at LEAST 50% of your APs earned. You need that fuel to keep losing. Plus, who doesn't want to eat more?

    Keep it up!
