My first post in three weeks! OH MY!
Ultimately, there is no excuse - but I'll try to sum up why my mind was elsewhere for the past few weeks. Started with a terrible TOM, which lead into company layoffs. Being the end of the second quarter, our company finally started to clear out employees because of the economy.
And I mean clear out - my department lost 60% of our workforce. It was by far the most emotional experience in my short professional career. People were leaving for meetings, never to be seen again. It was incredibly hard to stay focused. We took a walk one day, and saw numerous people being walked out by security. We tried staying at our desks for lunch, only to get flooded by emails and IMs about "who got the ax."
So, needless to say - the week of the 28th was ridiculously stressful. Lots of food, little exercising. However, I was proud because my threshold for stress eating has grown greatly. Normally, if I got a semi-nasty email from a client I would dive head first into a pint of ice cream. Now, when I was in fear of losing my job, I had an extra helping of turkey tacos. Hahaha!
Good news is - I did keep my job. Life is back to a normal stress level.
After that whole ordeal, DBF and I went on a mini-weekend vacation. We stayed at a local resort, went to a water park and then a spring training baseball game. We opted for a meal plan - which was delicious by SO not WW friendly!
For each night of the stay, we received a counter service meal (entree, dessert and beverage), a full service meal (entree, dessert and beverage) and a snack. We stayed for 2 nights, you do the math.
On the plus side, the mini-vacation provided lots of unintended exercise. Being at a water park is 8 hours of swimming, walking and water aerobics. We walked around the theme parks before dinner, and walked to and from the main section of the resort every night to dip into the hot tub.
I love mini-vacations!
But now back to the real world - back to tracking, blogging and focused on the ultimate goal. I'm at the same weight I started March with, whoops! At least it's not a huge gain. I did have a small wake up call when I went to donate blood. My iron level was low, which hardly ever happens. I realized that I wasn't eating correctly and this was a direct result.
The coworkers and I have started a weekly wellness walk. Thursday, we walked almost 3 miles in under an hour. Pretty good. Now just to keep it up...
Well, that about it for me - I can't wait to catch up on everyone's blogs!
glad to see you back! i was missing my motivational comments! i have fallen off track bad. as you have probably read inmy blogs, i just cant get back on. why is it so hard for me>!!>