I think that anyone who can coast through the holidays without overindulging shows amazing will power.
I never thought I could be one of those people!!
After a slight scale mishap this morning, I weighed in with a 1.2 lb loss. A loss?! After 3 days of Christmas goodies with a chaser of Pepto Bismol, I was almost certain I was in for a setback.
But even the smallest loss is a success. However, I received a little boost of inspiration while reading the WW boards today.
While reading through this WW member's milestones, I realized how vital exercising will be toward reaching this goal. If I can get to the gym 3-5 times a week, I can speed this process up significantly. Additionally, with the exercise I can reduce the chance of flabby skin, etc.
Gotta run, get back to cleaning the apartment.
So, til next time, keep reaching for your dreams.
Awesome loss over the holidays girl!! And just think we don't have to deal with them for 11 months! Definitely get in the exercise not only to speed up the process but to just feel good!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! ;o) ((HUGS))